(New York, NY – August 16, 2022) First Responders Children’s Foundation (FRCF) is pleased to announce the confirmation of new Board Member, Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro, former Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department from 2014 to 2022 to the Foundations Board of Directors. Commissioner Nigro brings over 33 years of experience as a uniformed member of the New York City Fire Department as well as eight years as Fire Commissioner and is uniquely suited to support the interests of the first responder families that we serve.
Daniel A. Nigro became the 33rd Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department on June 9, 2014. As Commissioner he led a workforce of more than 17,000 uniformed and civilian members. A native and life-long resident of Queens County, Commissioner Nigro entered the Fire Department in 1969 and quickly rose through the ranks from firefighter to lieutenant, captain, battalion and deputy chief. He was appointed a staff chief in October 1994. His vast experience includes service in the boroughs of Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn as well as administrative positions in the Office of the Fire Commissioner as Chief of Personnel and Chief of Health Services. He served as Assistant Chief of Operations where he was responsible for instituting a Certified First Responder Program which brought, for the first time, fire units into New York City’s Emergency Medical Response. He worked on the merger of EMS and FDNY and became the first Chief of EMS in 1996.
“We are honored to have Commissioner Nigro join our Board of Directors. He brings wisdom, leadership, and empathy to our Board through his years of experience as a first responder and leader of the largest fire department in the nation. He has been an avid supporter of the foundation for many years and now he will help us plan for and understand the current and future needs of first responders and their children around the country,” says President and CEO, Jillian Crane.
During Commissioner Nigro’s illustrious career as a public servant, he was the Chief of Operations (the second highest uniformed rank) from 1999-2001 and oversaw the daily management of all FDNY Units. It is in that capacity that he responded to the tragedy of September 11, assisting in the Incident Command, surviving both collapses and, upon the death of Chief of Department Peter J. Ganci, Jr., assuming the role of Incident Commander that afternoon. As Chief of Department, Commissioner Nigro held the highest uniformed position in the Department during its most difficult days and helped to get the Department back on its feet, and ready to protect.
“For 20 years, I have admired the work of First Responders Children’s Foundation and its Chairman and Founder, Al Kahn, and President and CEO, Jillian Crane. Keeping the Foundation vibrant is difficult. Expanding its mission is extraordinary. It is a profound honor to serve on the Board, and I will work to assist in all ways possible to families of first responders,” says Commissioner Nigro.
Please help us welcome Commissioner Nigro to the First Responders Children’s Foundation Board of Directors effective immediately.
About First Responders Children’s Foundation
For over 20 years, the First Responders Children’s Foundation (FRCF) has focused on the unique needs of the children of first responders. Now more than ever, these children carry a heavy burden knowing the daily dangers their parents face. In times of crisis, the burdens weigh even heavier and can impact a child significantly—particularly for those that lose a parent. FRCF is committed to ensuring that the children of first responders receive the resources necessary to help them thrive. Understanding the sacrifice first responder families make to ensure our safety, FRCF provides strategic support in four key focus areas:
(1) Scholarships help kids pursue post-secondary education.
(2) Grants provide financial assistance and bereavement grants.
(3) Our Mental Health Resiliency Program gives kids and family members access to mental and behavioral health services.
(4) Community Engagement builds positive relationships between first responders and community members by providing financial grants, toys, sports equipment, and other resources. FRCF’s signature annual event, the Thanksgiving Day Breakfast, along with many other events throughout the year, including National First Responder’s Day on October 28, support FRCF mission and programs.
Press Contact:
First Responders Children’s Foundation
Joanna Black
+1 (646) 912-2681